101 on Liv Fashion Forward

Hi! If you've found this blog, it's probably because you're my friend and checking it out, you're interested in fashion, or both.  Regardless, thank you for visiting! This semester I'm taking Marketing (BSAD150) at The University of Vermont, where I'm a Sophomore. This blog is a semester-long, constantly evolving project, exploring fashion and trend cycling through the lens of marketing. More specifically, how companies implement marketing strategies to broaden their customer base and promote their products. 

                                                  ^  Me
Personally, I've always had a ~passion for fashion~ and I love experimenting with different styles and aesthetics. I try to shop vintage and second hand to find the best statement pieces - even ugly ones - to challenge myself to "pull it off". Overall, my love for fashion bleeds into most aspects of my life, which is why I'm so excited to explore it through an academic lens. As my mom always said,

"Liv, you always need to be fashion forward"

I've taken that to heart daily and throughout this project. Please subscribe by email if you are interested in seeing more of this kind of content <3


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